
Friday, August 31, 2012

As challenging as it often is, I love being home with my little pumpkin.
I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Especially days like these where we get to just hang out all day and play.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The past month and a half has been wonderful, stressful, blessed, emotional, amazing, and anything else you can think of. Everyone says that "your life is going to completely change once you have a child" and it's not like I didn't believe's just hard to understand the extent of it until it happens.

Nate and I were SO happy to get to bring home our baby boy and finally have our little family. It was more comfortable and just felt right. 

We came home on the 4th of July, which was kind of neat because as it was America's Independence Day, it was also ours from the hospital :)
That night Nate's family, my mom, and us visited with each other at our home until it got dark. At that point we all went outside and watched street fireworks. Nate and I ended up going back inside and watching them through the window with Landon. I had been so worried that we would miss the 4th of July - I really wanted to be with my husband and son watching fireworks and was so glad that we got to! 

After everyone left, my mom watched Landon while Nate and I went and parked and watched fireworks all over the valley.

Two days later I had to take Landon to his first well-baby check-up. I was dreading this because I know he was going to have to get another PKU test. What made it worse...I had to hold him while the took blood from his foot. It made me SO sad :( I wanted to cry with him.

My mom left that Sunday and Nate went back to work on Monday. My first day as stay at home mom, all alone, went well. Landon slept a lot and I was able to just sit back and relax for the most part. It's difficult taking care of a baby while trying to heal from delivery. That's probably why Heavenly Father made babies sleep so much in the beginning :) That day I did have to run an errand though. I took the long way because I was afraid to drive on the freeway with Landon.

Wednesday I woke up, nursed Landon, then started having excruciating pain in my stomach. I kept trying to change positions to see if the pain would go away. I ended up on the floor on my hands and knees and the pain just kept getting worse. Nate ended up taking Landon to a neighbor and taking me to the E.R. It turned out I had a kidney stone and a UTI. NOT FUN a week after delivering a baby. I'd actually rather deliver another baby than have another kidney stone. They sent me home after a few hours with some pain medicine.

We had plans to go to the cabin later that day and I still wanted to go. So Nate and I stopped and got Denny's to go, picked up my prescription, and headed home to get Landon and get ready.

On our way back home, however, the kidney stone struck again! We had to stop at a hotel so I could go to the bathroom. I was in pain on the drive home until I fell asleep. Luckily I brought my pain meds.

On Friday, my good friend and neighbor Sarah, took newborn pictures of Landers. Here is my favorite:

She also did our family photos:

On Saturday I had to take Landon to Instacare because he had an eye infection and I didn't feel well ether. A week and a half later I went back and I had strep throat and a sinus infection. I felt horrible! Being sick and being a mom is pretty hard. Thankfully we have a great family that is always willing to help, and did.

On Pioneer Day, I received a great surprise! Nate had told me about a month prior that his friend Tyson was flying in to surprise his family, and that he was going to pick him up from the airport. The night before, Nate told me that Tyson wanted to stop by our house to meet me and Landon. That morning after Nate left to get him, I picked up the house, and got ready so I didn't look like a hillbilly. When they got here, I was sitting in our living room in the recliner with my back to the door. Nate said, "meet Tyson." I turned around and saw a female figure and though for a second that it was Tyson's wife. But it was my best friend from AZ!! Clarissa came and surprised me! I started bawling (still hormonal). I was so happy though! It was so sweet of her to take time away from her family to come see us, I love her so much! We went to lunch and Nate's pool party, and dinner, and dessert, and breakfast, and shopping, and Temple Square, and dinner. W got to hang out for two days, then I had to take her back to the airport :(

The last Sunday of July, Nate and I took Landon to church for his first time. It was great to be back, and be there with our son :)

The first month went by sooo fast! Look at our little one already:

This month he:
-Smiles when he sleeps
-Tries to roll over
-Has been called a million different nicknames by mom & dad, including: Scooter, Landers, Lando, Bud, Buddy, Love Bug, Mister, Mr. Sir, etc.
-Had an eye infection
-Gets the hiccups everyday, just like before he was born
-Sneezes & coughs, and for some reason it's so darn cute when he does
-Watched the 2012 London Olympics
-Does the "gofer" eyes and makes daddy & mommy laugh so hard
-Went to the cabin in Park City & saw deer/elk
-Has sideburns
-Pee'd on both mommy and daddy
-Ate lunch with daddy at work
-Is getting little fat rolls around your arms and legs
-Tries to crawl
-Holds his head up well

The day after his 1-month, I got to see Kelly and Jill in SLC! I hadn't seen Kelly since she visited AZ from Belgium at Christmas, I missed her oh so much!! And Jill too. I also wish Jiggs was there but I'll see him in AZ next vistit, I hope :)

That Sunday was Landon's baby blessing. It was such a special day! Nate did a wonderful job, he is great. Landon got to wear his daddy's blessing outfit and some booties that my best friend Clarissa made him.

Landon, Daddy, Grandpa Randy Gailey, and Great-Grandpa Ferrel Gailey

Afterwards we had a "mini" themed breakfast at our house. Mini muffins, mini bagels with cream cheese, mini cinnamon rolls, mini donuts,  mini sausages, mini yogurts, fruit, oj, milk & chocolate milk. It was yummy :) I also got to use my vintage glass plates.

This past Tuesday I had my 6-week check-up, and it went well. I was so excited because this meant I could swim again! So Wednesday we went and it felt so great! I really missed being in the pool. Nate and I got to play and have fun, we threw the torpedo back and forth under water and tried to make it crash into the other person. Just fun with my husband, while Lando hung with Grandma.

I absolutely love being a mom; it is the most challenging and rewarding thing I have ever experienced. I am so happy Landon came into our lives, he has already been such a blessing to us. I am so grateful for my wonderful husband that works so hard and allows me to stay home with our son. I always find myself staring at him as he lays on my chest sound asleep. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love every expression and face, happy or sad, that he makes. He makes me laugh so hard sometimes, especially with his pouty face. I love my family.


First trip outside, 7/7:

First bath 7/7:

Here is Nate doing Landon's hair a few days after coming home from the hospital. He did it like this every day for weeks...until it was actually TOO long to do anymore 7/9:

How one, or both, of his hands always end up when he sleeps or is eating 8/12: